Wow, usually I receive a gift card for a bookstore, or some books that someone has picked up for me, for Christmas. But not this year! Which is all very good because it spurned me on to purchase these very attractive titles while I was Boxing Day shopping:

Seriously, I haven't read these yet! I'm about halfway through Wicked Lovely (really enjoying it, although initially confused about the whole finding-the-summer-queen-to-free-a-bunch-of-previous-summer-queen-entrants thing--more on that soon!), and can't WAIT to read Evermore. What about Need too? Has anyone read these books? What do you think, or link to your review!
I also went into one of my favourite used bookstores, Casablanca in Downtown Kitchener, and found some great books there too! Check them out:

The Carolyn Mackler title I picked up because I've just finished Tangled, her newest, slated to release in January. A full review to come. And I loved the cover for Gossip Girl, maybe only because it looks different than the usual covers. Plus, sparkles, come on! Up All Night looks cool; a collection of short stories by teen authors answering the question, "What can happen in a single night?" I'm familiar with many of the authors, especially Gene Luen Yang. Apparently his character The Monkey King plays a part--very cool.
What did you get for Christmas, or buy for yourself?
Wow! I never get books from my family for Christmas; I usually just get gift cards :)
Awesome books! I've read all three (Wicked Lovely, Need, and Evermore). I would have to say Need is my favorite although I enjoyed them all.
I feel for ya, sister. All I got were slippers and Family Guy pajama bottoms. Looks like you ended up getting some sweet deals though anyhow, so all's well that end's well, eh?
I didn't get any books either, so I made sure my son got many of the ones I want to read, too. :)
I've read Evermore and I loved it. And I have Need, from everyone that I have heard from they really loved it and said it's sequal (Captivate)will blow your mind. LOL - And I am wanted to read the wicked lovely series, so I will be interested to see what you think of it. This a good score though.
I read Evermore and liked it. In fact, I just recently finished all three books and I'm assuming there will be a 4th b/c she left it open. At first, I admit, I thought I was reading a newer take on the whole Twilight thing, but it turned out to be different. Not the best book, but I enjoyed it none the less. I am about to start reading Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz and I am very much looking forward to buying and reading The Dark Divine!
Absolutely love "Need" and am dying waiting this last week for the sequel. I'm especially jealous cause I kept seeing "Captivate" on everyone's IMM this week.
Haven't read the Carolyn Mackler, but I do have "Tangled" on pre-order. Maybe I'll have to search for her older titles!
I don't have any young'uns, but I do enjoy the occasional young'un books. My favorite Christmas one that I've come across is Mick Foley's Christmas Chaos. It's written by Mick Foley the pro wrestler, and features a bunch of his friends in the story. He wrote another one for Halloween.
I only got five books -- that might be a new low for me. Seems that once you work in a library people don't buy books for you anymore :S
One was a cookbook (delicious pictures) and one a coffee-table book (also cool pictures) and one you know about already ;)
The other two are The Cellist of Sarajevo which I am looking forward to, and the last is my very own copy of Write Away by Elizabeth George, which I believe is slated to come into your store anytime now. Brother, last minute shopping, that sort of thing.
Veeery curious to see what you think of Wicked Lovely because I've seen some mixed reviews.
Boooo! Bad Santa! ;)
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